5 Tips To Achieve Your Goals Now
Being happy, living a successful life- we all want to achieve these goals in life. However, the difference between those who reach these aspirations is how they think and plan their goals. To achieve your goals, you need to have clear, defined and achievable goals, and of course, be motivated and able to accomplish them.
I’ve developed a goal planner pack that you can buy here, which helps you put the tips below into practice.
So here are 5 simple tips to help you set and achieve your goals:
1. Think and be inspired
Consider what you actually want to achieve in life. What does your dream life envision? What will make you happy? What will allow you to live a financially stable and healthy life? Is having a big family your passion? Or maybe you dream of being an entrepreneur? Firstly, it is important to think about your priorities in life. Draw from people who inspire you and success you want to emulate. Think about the quotes that motivate you to dream big, such as these inspirational quotes. Write down these aspirations!
2. Specify the steps you need to complete
Considering the general aspirations you have outlined above, break them down into particular goals, or steps to achieve. For example, if you want to be a graphic designer at a major firm, you may first need to complete some courses or training, followed by gaining experience in smaller firms and developing your CV. Breaking down your overall life goals will give you some direction and focus. It will also make something that may seem overwhelming and out of reach, much more attainable and realistic.
3. Set goals you can actually achieve
It is important that you set clear, specific, attainable and measurable goals. For example, you might aim to be healthier but how will you achieve and measure this? By eating less sugary food? Drinking more water? Losing weight- how much weight, over what time? Without a clear action plan and steps involved, you will find it harder to get motivated and achieve this goal (and it may also give you an easy way out of sticking to your task)!
4. Be true to yourself
This brings me to the next point- be honest to yourself. It’s no point setting a goal that deep down you know you won’t achieve. Making a goal of losing 20kg in one month after years of struggling with weight loss can set your up to fail. Then when the deadline arrives and you haven’t achieved this goal, it will further demotivate you. Ultimately, you will feel even further from your original goal. You need to be honest with what is realistic and achievable for you, so you can get those little wins and stay motivated for the long haul.
5. Be accountable for your actions
Sometimes it can be hard to maintain self-discipline. You might have a goal to limit your sugar intake but after a hard day’s work, come home and open a chocolate bar because today you feel you deserve it and have a little cheat day. However, it’s important to prepare for times like this, when your motivation might falter. This is why many people might involve others in their goals to be both a support and to keep them on track. It can be easy to allow yourself a sneaky treat but being accountable to someone else can mean the difference between a little lapse or fighting the urge and staying on track. This idea works even better when someone else shares your goal. For instance, we all know having a friend who joins you on your exercise goals can help both of you stay motivated. Use support and motivation from others as a tool to stay on track to your goal.
These are just some of the key tips to ensure you have the best chance of planning and succeeding in your goals. If you like what you read, have a look at my goal planner pack to help you get on track to success. Goals can push you outside your comfort zone and test your motivation but ultimately, goals are there to be achieved. So go get started!
[…] as well as a way to channel your energy and time into accomplishing goal-related tasks. See my previous post dedicated to goal setting for some inspiration on where to start. Planning your aims for the week, […]